Friday, September 20, 2024

Five Tips To Pursuing a Successful Online Income

Everyday I receive hundreds of emails telling me how I can make $1,000’s a month with out working, without referring anyone, without selling anything and without spending any money! Sounds great doesn’t it – A universal dream!

Stuff like that sounded great to me six or seven years ago too when I first came online and was looking to start my own online business. I hate to think back and remember just how much I spent and lost trying all these different type “business opportunities”.

I also remember buying all those “secrets” to being successful. Of course all the information I was getting at that point was previously unknown to me since I was a “newbie” to the online world so most of it was in fact helpful. But thinking about most of it now, there wasn’t very much that was really a “secret”. It was just that back then there were techniques used to be successful online that were not known to many people.

I want to make one thing clear, I am not putting down selling information online, it is one of the major ways to make money online. In fact I sell many information products myself. A good portion of the information I purchased over the years did help me to build my current business.

TIP ONE – You can’t build a monthly income by joining something and not working, not referring someone, not selling something or without spending some of your own money. I don’t care what the hype tells you. It may be free when you first join, but at some time in order to make money, it will cost you something. And you are going to have to do some work, even if it is only a couple of hours a week part time.

One of the primary reasons that a lot of people fail to make any money online, especially through network marketing type programs is because they believe the hype that you will make money within a very short period of time. You have probably seen the opportunities that say, signup, get 3 people to signup, they do the same and you are on your way to thousands of dollars.

When that doesn’t happen they figure the program doesn’t work and they see something else that sounds great and signup for that. The process keeps repeating itself and before long they are frustrated and broke. They have joined numerous programs, made little or no money and are ready to quit. In fact I have known some people who have joined so many programs that they really couldn’t remember which ones they had joined after awhile.

TIP TWO – Stay focused and persevere. After you find a business opportunity that interests you, concentrate on making it profitable before you start signing up for other programs. Resist the hype and don’t leap frog from one opportunity to the next which will probably result in making no money at all. I am a great supporter of the concept of creating multiple income streams and have incorporated that into my own business. But you need to develop that aspect of your business slowly or you will fail altogether.

There are many income streams available on the Net and many of them will not cost you a penny to become an affiliate. But you will still have to promote either your specific affiliate link or place it on your web site and get people there in order to make commissions.

TIP THREE – Make sure that you check out the opportunity you are considering as best you can. Make sure that it has products that have real value and that have sales appeal to others. Don’t let the hype of the money side of it sell you on the program. There are many scams out there and most of them will grab your money and disappear in a short period of time. I have some tips on this topic – “Check Out That Money Making Opportunity!” at

There are many good network marketing programs online. Network marketing is a valid legal business system that is used by many multi-million dollar corporations. Many people, including many who hang around forums and chat rooms, will call every MLM or network marketing program a scam. In most instances it is because they probably got burned at some time and they have closed their minds to them altogether. Well they have the right to say what they want, but I suggest that you keep an open mind.

There are millions of people making a good income through network marketing. Some of these opportunities have been around for many years both offline and online. We have been associated with one business for a number of years, and it has helped make many home based entrepreneurs online successes.

TIP FOUR – Look to join a business opportunity with someone who will be furnishing you with the support and training that you will need. All to often I have seen opportunities where you join, you receive a welcome email from the person who sponsored you and that is the last you hear from them.

When you receive an offer from someone, take a look at the opportunity website they are promoting to get an idea of what it involves. Write down your questions about it. Then email the person who sent it to you. Ask them for their phone number so that you can discuss the opportunity with them. While you are at the site, you might check to see if they have their telephone number listed and that will save you the email step.

Discuss how the program is going, how long it has been around and any other questions you might have. Also find out what type of support he or she will furnish to you as a new member.

You will find that the levels of involvement will vary from sponsor to sponsor. Some you will probably have a problem contacting, others will be emailing or calling you right away.

For instance, I have always felt it my responsibility to furnish some type of support for anyone sponsored into my business organizations. For instance, I have an entire support website available for any member of my primary business organization. The site is password protected and contains many marketing tips and techniques, resource information and more. I think of it in this light – if I can help make members of my business organization more successful, then I will receive a direct benefit – my own success increases.

TIP FIVE – Approach your opportunity as a business not as a hobby. Whether you are starting on a full time or part time basis, you need to look at it as a business. Create yourself a little informal business plan, identify how much money you can devote to it for advertising and talk with some people that have been online for awhile so you can pick their brain.

No I haven’t given you any of those so called “secrets” above, just some tips based on what I have done and seen since I have been online. There is nothing magic or mystical about it. If you research your opportunities, be persistent and work together, you can succeed. Make sure you concentrate on building your primary business and get it into profit. Then you can consider expanding into other areas and developing other streams of income.

Article by Joe Reinbold, Publisher of Home Income Quarterly
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