Saturday, October 5, 2024

Increase Web Site Traffic by Writing Your Own Ezine Article

If you want to increase web site traffic without spending a dime, then write your own ezine article. It’s one of the most effective web site promotion strategies you could use. It can even be more effective than paid advertising.

hNot convinced?

Well, as you read Part 1 of this article and later Part 2, you will gain a deeper understanding of why you SHOULD be using this method to rapidly increase web site traffic.

The first part (Part 1) of this article will give you deeper insights into the benefits of writing an ezine article.

Part 2 will cover the formula and format you can use to write your own article as well as provide valuable resources where to publish your articles for maximum exposure.

7 ways to benefit from writing an ezine article

1. Reach 1000s of targeted prospects by submitting your ezine to online publishers. Ezine publishers are constantly on the lookout for articles with good content that will educate their subscribers.

2. Free advertising – instead of paying hundreds of dollars placing ads in some of the top ezines, your article is published free and contains much more valuable content than a few lines of ad space.

This obviously aids in preselling your product or service to your customer.

3. Increase link popularity – you can include a link back to your web site in the article resource box. When web sites publish your article, you will automatically have your link placed on their web site.

This saves you time searching for links from other sites to increase your link popularity in the search engines.

4. Gain immediate high search engine ranking – convert your article into its own web page on your web site with it’s own set of well placed keywords in the meta tags and throughout the text.

Upload this new web page to your server. Your web page will be spidered within a few days or weeks (depending on search engine spider activity) and already gain high rankings in the search engines resulting in an instant increase in web site traffic.

5. Improve search engine ranking – getting your article published by many ezine publishers, will naturally improve your search engine rankings, because of the many links pointing back to your own website.

You can get a dramatic and instant rankings boost when you link to websites that already have a high ranking in the search engines.

6. Be seen as an expert in your field – writing numerous articles helps others recognize you as an expert in your business. Include each new article in your own ezine or newsletter.

People love originally written articles instead of rehashing others articles which they may have already read in other ezines.

This instills confidence and trust within your future customers making it easier for them to do business with you.

7. Gain references and testimonies – record the places where your ezine article is published (especially the popular ones with 1000s of subscribers).

Record testimonies from those folks who give you enthusiastic feedback from your articles.

Use these references and testimonies in press releases about your product or service. Include them on your web pages and public stationary. Your credibility and trust will be greatly enhanced in the eyes of your potential customers.

Now that I have convinced you of the benefits of writing an ezine article, be sure to read Part 2 of this article. I will give you the formula, the format and the resources where to publish your ezine article so you can drastically increase your web site traffic.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Affordable
Web Site Design and Web Hosting. Subscribe to his
“Marketing Tips” newsletter for more original articles. Read more of his
in-depth articles at:

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