Thursday, September 19, 2024

Creating A Terrific Home Office

One of the many decisions you have, as a new business owner is, “How Do I Create A Home Office?” Take it from someone who has been exactly where you are and learn from my mistakes – “keep it private, professional, functional, simple, within your budget and fun”.

Many individuals who choose to start a business have an image of what they want their ideal office to look like, yet the priority of creating a business should not be on the office furniture itself. Choose to use your money wisely and instead add, “creating my ideal office” into one of your business goals. Design a 1-year plan, 3-year plan, 5-year and 10-year office plan and be willing to adjust it as is necessary. It’s not unrealistic to move a business out of a home and many business owners don’t consider this at first glance.

I’ll give you a picture of a 1-10 year plan based on my own experiences. My first desk was created in my bedroom using three three-drawer file cabinets, plywood, 2 different styles of molding and a 2×4. The wood was painted to match the room’s dcor. The wood was attached to the wall so that when I moved around, my desk didn’t. Three years later, I had the opportunity to accept an old metal desk, and graduated to an office and moved my office out of my bedroom and into it’s own room. Two years later I was looking for a bookshelf and real wooden shelves were priced out of my budget. I happened into an office furniture store that also sold used furniture. I purchased three 3×6 wooden bookshelves and a 5-drawer filing cabinet the color of my metal desk. Not bad for $200!


  • Consider purchasing recycled or used office furniture to help you keep start-up costs low.
  • Create an office where you can have complete privacy during business hours.
  • No matter what business you start, you’ll need technology in your office. Plan to have the space and wiring for it.
  • Basics to consider
    o A desk
    o A very comfortable chair
    o Tallest file cabinet you can fit in the room
    o Book Shelf
    o Storage space for inventory or other items (clear plastic stackable boxes or a closet)

Postscript: No one has ever walked into my office and said, “what a wonderful used furniture office you have!” Instead I hear about how beautiful my shelves are and how cozy my office is.

For additional ideas to help you create a terrific home office, view these articles:

How To Make Your (Home) Office Reflect You How To Minimize Interruptions When You Work At Home

2003 Maria Marsala. I help business owners make and keep more of their hard earned money. Join “Elevating You” ezine and request a complimentary consultation at

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