Saturday, September 21, 2024

great news letter

I look forward to your news letter and I actually was anxious to read your next news letter like a few days ago.. so no I think there is no need to change the way you have been doing things and to much content is never enough..

I am not sure if you already do this but I personally think it would be most helpful to myself and everyone else who reads your news letter from start to finish to decipher what they need and what they can use possible in the future use and/or learn (it’s just good to know what’s out there) and access anything that at the moment I may not be interested in but may plan on in the near future trying.. If you could maybe just make a webpage with links to your topics from your news letters or just a simple dated list of links to all past issues would be helpful. I’m not sure if you do that already.. I just started to get your news letter.

Back to your ? though .. the way I think you can be the most helpful to myself and all of us is with content and the finding and putting together what you send us in each news letter would be the most helpful. I wouldn’t bother with trying to change or make a smaller news letter . we as programmers and web junkies can handle all the content .. I think a daily news letter the size of yours is and would be a little to much to keep up with, as of now I only receive a news letter from you like every 10 or 12 days witch is perfect cuz I don’t have the time to develop and read and you news letters are just fine with there timings and there content a little more is not a bad idea. we can handle it. I think you should devote a section to each news letter on “search engines and ranking even if you cant find a story to run , run a survey, but the search engine advise is excellent. maybe you could do a section on how often to submit and how not to piss the search engines off and get booted from there directory. your last news letter was great about the lady who’s designer got her of there list. to bad you didn’t tell us exactly what he did but I suppose that would take righting a book seeing how it said he broke every rule in the book.. lol
I wont take up anymore of your time .. great news letter and more content is fine with me..

Thank you,
Bryan Laughead

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