Friday, September 20, 2024

Have Your Layer Cake and Eat It Too

Long ago, in the world of networking, network devices had specific purposes in a given infrastructure. Different devices, each performing a separate function, worked harmoniously in a well-oiled network machine. A set of well-established players in each genre (firewalls, routers, switches) made easy the system administrator’s job of deciding which products would best serve his or her network installation. However, that has all changed.

Today there is a growing trend toward incorporating functions that would typically be handled by several separate devices into a single device. This trend is forever changing a once-familiar landscape, and many old-school vendors are waking to find new competition has sprouted up overnight. For system administrators, the added competition means they’re faced with learning about many new and unfamiliar products.

So what’s a system administrator to do? Stick with the tried-and-true method of every device having a single (or limited) set of functions? Or blow the entire budget on a new wundermachine, capable of performing all the network functions you need? The answer is probably somewhere in between, but as with any network planning and implementation, it depends on the type of site you have or on your organization’s specific requirements.

The Grass Is Always Greener

Vendors, reeling from the drastic downturn in IT spending, are looking for ways to expand their current revenues while also taking market share from their competitors. In the realm of networking products, vendors have figured out that by adding a few features to an already existing product, they can easily attract more customers. What’s more, the cost of developing new features can be relatively minor compared with developing a from-the-drawing-board product. This is because the former usually involves simply adding new code and loading it into an existing platform (or developing a blade for an already-existing chassis platform). The relatively low cost, when combined with the creation of a new, feature-rich product, is a win-win endeavor for vendors, as even minor penetration into a new market can mean more profit for their companies.

One approach to this feature-adding tactic is to simply roll out the new features with each revision of code. They can be distributed on new machines, and existing customers can pay a nominal fee for the upgrade. Another, more popular approach is to charge for the new features, without adding new hardware. Simply pay a licensing fee, and a new feature is enabledon an existing device. For chassis-based devices, these new features could be added with a code upgrade, using one of the two previous models mentioned. If new hardware is required, the new features could be purchased as an additional card, typically a minor cost compared with the cost of the chassis itself.

For potential customers, rolling out new features with little or no cost also makes a product more attractive. These customers might not need all the bells and whistles now, but this pay-per-feature approach allows a pick-and-choose menu of sorts, allowing you to pay only for what you need.

Making Your Move

One of the earliest vendor developments was to provide both Layer 2 switching and Layer 3 routing in a single device. The Layer 3 features ranged from basic support for packet forwarding and static routes to full support for routing protocols such as BGP4, OSPF, and ISIS.

More recent moves include adding Server Load Balancing (SLB) and other SLB-related features, such as Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) or WAN-based SLB, and Firewall Load Balancing (FWLB). SSL acceleration, caching, proxy servers, and other features are also being integrated into a single device or into a pair of redundant devices.

Pick A Card, Any Card

Here are examples of products that have expanded into new territory:

  • Extreme Networks began by developing a Layer 2/3 switching/routing switch platform, and now it has also licensed code from F5 to allow SLB functionality in many of its switches.

  • Cisco Systems bought up other companies that provided SLB functionality. In 1995, Cisco purchased Network Translations for its LocalDirector series; in
    2000, it bought ArrowPoint Communications for its CSS series and Netiverse for its CSM blades, a load balancer in the form of a switch blade for the Catalyst 6000 series of switches. (Cisco’s Catalyst 6000 series were built to allow tight integration of Layer 3 functionality, an improvement over the RSM Layer 3 modules in the Catalyst 5500 series.)

  • Foundry Networks developed its Layer 2/3 NetIron switches and Layer 2/4-7 ServerIron series, which offer routing and load balancing in addition to the Layer 2 base. Foundry also has a BigIron chassis platform, which offers Layer 2-7 functionality with expandable Layer 2 aggregation.

  • Nortel Networks purchased Alteon Websystems for its Layer 2-7 Web switching platform. Nortel kept the Alteon brand and continues to offer more features in its switch and chassis platforms, such as Quality Of Service (QoS) and more flexible SLB.

These are but a few examples of companies expanding into new markets.

Decisions, Decisions

So what’s in it for system administrators? What’s the best course of action for your network? This article doesn’t answer these questions; instead, it describes the factors to take into account when making network equipment assessments and decisions.

There are several benefits to having all of your networking functions performed by just one box (or with just a few boxes). You deal with a limited amount of vendors, which makes administration easier, as there is usually only one set of commands with which to become familiar. Warrantee and support issues are also simplified. Less equipment typically means less cost, so there is a financial advantage to choosing a more layered approach — important in the world of the dwindling IT budget. For smaller shops, this type of consolidation can be the difference between implementation and a daydream.

Layer 2 redundancy is another benfit of feature consolidation. With multiple devices, configuring redundancy is often difficult, if not impossible (some devices, such as high-end Layer 3 routers, don’t offer redundant Layer 2 interfaces). And multiple boxes can create a tangle of cross-connects and other redundancy nightmares. If you have just a pair of devices performing all of your networking functions, it’s easy to implement Layer 2 redundancy.

Figure 1 illustrates the Layer 2 redundancy nightmare scenario — all too common a challenge for site administrators. Each device has a separate task (Layer 2, Layer 3, firewall, and so on), and each device requires you to provide a redundant unit for fail-over. For complete Layer 2 redundancy, every device (including the servers themselves) needs to have a double connection, one into each redundant Layer 2 switch. You’ll note the Layer 3 routers do not have such a double connection; this is because most Layer 3 routers do not have redundant Layer 2 connections per interface.

Figure 1: Layer 2 redundancy nightmare.

This type of wiring scenario can be complicated and difficult to administer and troubleshoot. The only things to do at this point are to tolerate the situation or sacrifice some of the Layer 2 redundancy for an easier and more elegant configuration.

In Figure 2, we see how using just a single pair of multipurpose devices simplifies redundancy for the installation. Only double Layer 2 connections to the individual servers themselves are required for full redundancy.

Figure 2: Single device pair redundancy scenario.

Redundancy issues, especially those in the Layer 2 realm, are complicated and would require a separate
article (or even a book) to do them justice. We’re just touching on some of the issues related to choosing what type of device — either single-purpose or multipurpose — is best for a site.


One of the greatest disadvantages to feature consolidation is that it’s difficult to provide for all of your needs in just one box. As the saying goes, “a jack-of-all-trades is master of none,” and this is certainly true of networking devices. You may find a Layer 2/3 switching platform that also provides SLB, but which lacks a few key features required for your specific site, such as cookie-based persistence or the ability to perform certain kinds of Network Address Translation (NAT) functions. Another Layer 2/3 switch might provide BGP service, but doesn’t have enough RAM to pull down a full BGP session. The lack of a specific feature you need isn’t always obvious, either, and can be a big gotcha you only discover after spendingthousands on equipment.

The cost-savings argument can be flipped in favor of non-consolidation as well, such as the case of a large-scale site and Layer 2 port aggregation. An all-in-one device may perform all of the functions you need, but the cost per port may be significantly higher than that of a regular Layer 2 switch. It often makes much more sense to use a high-density Layer 2 switching platform (and thus relative low cost-per-port) to aggregate Layer 2 connectivity, while separate functions such as firewalls, load balancers, and so on are connected into the Layer 2 infrastructure. An example would be using a pair of Cisco Catalyst 6500s to aggregate traffic from a pair of F5’s BIG-IPs to a large number of servers.

Performance may also be a factor in deciding whether to consolidate features. If the implementation of one feature is pegging the resources of a device, then other, unrelated features might likely suffer as well. For instance, it’s theoretically possible to have a situation where the heavy use of the load balancing features of a device used in a small portion of a site may affect performance for the rest of the infrastructure. Of course, this depends on the architecture of such a device (some devices might have separate processing resources for various tasks), but it’s something to bear in mind.

Hands-On Experience

I’ve set up a number of large, medium, and small-scale sites, and there is a difference in how the various consolidations of layers affect implementation based on the size.

Smaller-scale installations, such as from one- to ten-server configurations, can definitely benefit from feature consolidation. There are many vendors that provide Layer 2 connectivity, server load balancing, access lists, and routing in a single device (or with a pair of redundant devices). Less equipment usually translates into less cost, and usually, the basic functions required by a smaller-size site are met by general functionality. This can be critical for budget-starved installations looking to save money.

Larger-scale installations have different needs. Because there may be a need for a large number of Fast/Gigabit Ethernet ports, I usually recommend going with a large Layer 2 infrastructure, with the other network devices, such as load balancers and routers, hung off of the Layer 2 infrastructure. Getting a full-featured box can really jack up the per-port price, while using a basic, inexpensive Layer 2 platform plus additional devices to provide other required functionality can be more cost-effective. Performance issues also can be scaled more effectively this way. It’s possible, depending on the product, that heavy use of one individual function might degrade the performance of the entire system.

One exception to this separation is the new breed of Layer 2/3 chassis switches. The cost per port for Layer 2/3 functionality is usually not all that much more
than for just Layer 2 functionality. These devices can perform all of the necessary Layer 3 functions, including BGP routing, with either a software or a minor hardware upgrade (such as an additional blade on a chassis). Functions such as load balancing and SSL acceleration are usually best served with separate devices, however.


In the end, you have to realize that vendors are in business for revenue and market share, and that your ambition is contrary to theirs — having a successful site, of course. Keep your needs in mind and realize that while a vendor may be pushing a miracle device, it may not suit your needs. That said, there are a number of solutions available that could provide for all of your needs in one set of devices, and several different vendors may have developed those solutions. Be sure to check for the features specific to your site, as some products may not have one particular and critical feature. Who knows, in the next five years there may be just one device that encompasses all network requirements, is the size of a toaster, and, well, also makes toast.

Tony Bourke is a private consultant specializing in Unix administration, networking, and load balancing.

Originally published at

Load balancing distributes traffic efficiently among network servers so that no individual server is overburdened. This vendor-neutral guide to the concepts and terminology of load balancing offers practical guidance to planning and implementing the technology in most environments. It includes a configuration guide with diagrams and sample configurations for installing, configuring, and maintaining products from the four major server load balancing vendors. cover

Tony Bourke is a private consultant specializing in Unix administration, networking, and load balancing.

Originally published at

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