Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WebPro Readers Marketing Story

We arrange mortgages for people with credit problems, known as sub prime or adverse.

A client, divorcee, needed to refinance her property to pay off other debts.

We placed the mortgage with one of our chosen lenders but the scheme applied for was withdrawn on the day before we submitted the application.

The only other comparable scheme was with a lender we did not use because they would not pay us introduction fees. I made the decision to set up the application for this client with the no fee lender anyway.

We do not charge clients fees so this was a complete free transaction.

The client was so pleased with our service that she has recommended 4 other clients generating 6000 in fees.

So, I agree, kindness marketing can work.

Maurice Edgington


I fully agree with the idea that common curtsey or `kindness` is what makes the world go round just a bit better.

Whenever a client asks to be unsubscribed from my mailing list (property rental lists) I confirm that it will be actioned the same day and wish them well and say I am genuinely pleased they got fixed up with accommodation.

In a way I am saying welcome to my city, Leeds, hope you do well here.

We have a public group here in the UK called the Polite Society whose aim is to encourage civility between people at all levels of the community.

Without being self-righteous about the subject, I am gratified when after a lengthy explanation to a prospective tenant or landlord they say `…well thanks, you have been the most helpful agent I have spoken too..` My own slightly obscure view is that those who cannot/willnot devote time to being `kind` are allowing themselves a type of negative `reward` of being obnoxious & rude to clients seeking help. This happens in strong markets when demand outstrips supply and the attitude is `take-it-or-leave-it`

Enough waffle from me, I liked the article.
John MacAlevey ica 15.1.03

Hi Garrett

Having been in the Bridal industry for 14 years now, I know that brides need kindness when their brains go fluffy (which they invariably do as the wedding draws near).

One recent incident that springs to mind was a bride who, probably due to fluffy-brain-itis gave me an incorrect home delivery address so that when an attempt was made to deliver her tiara of course it couldn’t be and the parcel disappeared into the depths of the Royal Mail system. Poor girl was distraught so I quickly made her another one and sent it to the correct address without charging her for the second one.

My kindness was rewarded as six months later it turned up back with me again! Customers!!

Liz Morrell

1. Know the product or service well enough to portray it accurately.

2. Invest your time in understanding your customer’s situation, needs, and goals.

3. Never hype the product or service beyond it’s actual value.

4. Deliver on your promises on time. Always!

That spells “kind” and is the kind of marketer you’ll be if you keep those rules.

Dave Long

Hi Garrett,

I am Vicki Mills from Fly Free, Stay Cheap!

I have been a fan of your eNewsletter for a long time. I am responding to you today to let you know that our Web site at: http://www.fly-free.com does many good deeds, every day. We have based our Travel Web site on the idea that People CAN travel on a shoestring budget, worldwide, without sacrificing quality. To prove this I and my staff do travel the world on very little, looking for the right strategies, tools and tips to help our Readers do the same. We have a LINKS page at http://www.fly-free.com/LINKS.html which enables them to find some unbelievable travel opportunities that only a travel insider would know. Also are affiliated with the top Search Engines to help our Readers find the very lowest internet rates.

Now for the good deeds. Besides making all this economical travel available to them whether we get a commission or not, answering several hundred travel related e-mails a day to help people make the best choices on how they can save a lot on travel so that they can afford it, we have even been able to unite some long lost relatives. One who lives in Ireland entered a contest on our site, the other wrote asking how she could get to that particular town, as she lived in Georgia, had never been to Ireland, but knew she had relatives and wanted to go. I immediately thought of the woman who entered the contest, e-mailed her asking her permission to have the woman from Georgia e-mail her with her questions. I got goose bumps when the woman from Georgia wrote me back to thank me for putting her in touch with her Cousin.!

Happy New Year!
Vicki Mills

I operate a small grass roots home improvement web business, American Contracting Exchange Inc., www.homerepair.org we list professional contractors along with public service information for the consumer. Unlike our competition, we do not request lot’s of information from consumers, and then charge finders fees to the contractor for getting then a job. We do offer sound advice to consumers when choosing a contractor to do their work. The City of Fairfax, Va. asked permission to disseminate our information on hiring a contractor to the citizens of that community, which we granted. Our testimonial page reflects that cities gratitude with a very nice thank you letter. We will continue to help in any way to improve the reputation of our industry.

George Waldhauser
American Contracting Exchange Inc.

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