Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Killer Sales Copy Formula

A good formula when writing sales copy be it for your website, an email to potential customers or prospects, placing an ad etc. is by using 3 simple steps.

Step 1 – Create a problem

What is your customers or prospects biggest concern or problem? Define what it is and write about it. Everybody has some kind of problem whether big or small that interests them in your product or service.

Step 2 – Agitate Them

Make the problem larger than life. Tap into their emotions. Pour salt on their wounds. You have to make them feel so angry that they are pacing the room thinking “this has got to stop” or “I have to do something about this.”

Step 3 – Offer a Solution

Now that you got them where you want them, offer them a solution to their problem, which is your product or service, and list the features associated with it as well.

This formula can be applied to almost every product or service imaginable.

Problem – Agitation – Solution

And don’t be afraid of how long your sales copy is either. Write as long as necessary to explain everything.

If a person doesn’t take the time to read long sales copy, it is a good bet they weren’t interested in your product or service anyway.

Because if they were, they would try to find out as much information as they can before making a purchase.

A good book that I recommend you pick up on creating effective sales copy is by Dan S. Kennedy called The Ultimate Sales Letter.

It has the formula I mentioned and many more in it. You can find it at most off/online bookstores.

And remember, you can learn all you want but it only becomes effective when you apply what you learned.

Repeat after me… learn and apply… learn and apply….

Al Martinovic publishes an internet marketing newsletter at and runs a successful home business at

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