Thursday, September 19, 2024

Those Special Subscribers

Publishing an ezine is something that provides many challenges. It’s not a job we take to become wealthy. It’s not a job that will make us famous. So what is the motivating factor that keeps us going. Personally, I think it is some of the special subscribers that we get to meet.

There are the lovely people who join, wait until their free ad runs and then tell you what a scum bag you are because you sent them today’s issue. They say that building long term relationships with your customers is the road to success. Well, you’ve hit the jackpot here. You will see this customer’s handwriting again over and over.

There is the ever enduring soul who obviously thinks my ezine is the greatest. He joins every few days with an address that points to an autoresponder. The lovely material that I receive includes a free download that automatically starts running when you go to read the email. You know that you are on the way to success when subscribers start sending you gifts.

I always look forward to the notes saying my ezine is great Of course in return for the quality content that I have provided, they want to help me out. They have promised to make me rich if I will just give them fifty dollars down and thirty dollars every month. I would love to help but I already gave at the office.

Just as appealing are the ones that tell you to come visit their site for free. Of course to visit for free, you have to buy a subscription to Fool’s Daily which will cost you a one time fee of $99.95. Of course you will make that back by selling three subscriptions to Fools Daily to others. This will be a breeze, because you can give away free visits to people who have to buy a subscription to Fool’s Daily to visit free.

I know that as publishers, we are not suppose to have favorites. We are suppose to treat all of our subscribers equally. Shamefully, I have to admit that I have a favorite subscriber.

For the purpose of this story, I will call her Rexi. Rexi started writing to me the first week that I started publishing my ezine. She talks in broken English which is a blessing for me. I grew up in the hills of Tennessee, so I understand her well.

I get an email from Rexi every Tuesday and Friday. She always tells me that she likes my ezine and that she had been looking a long time to find an ezine like mine. I always write back and tell her thanks and that I am glad that I can provide content that is useful to her.

I started getting curious as to why she always wrote me on the same days each week. I looked back through my past issues to see if I had done something different or special on those days. I could certainly see nothing that was any different from the other days.

My mind being the curious sort that it is, I started running possible scenarios through my head. Maybe she was a college student and those were the days that she had classes and used the school computer. Could it be a kid and those were the days that her parents allowed her to use the home computer.

Finally last Tuesday evening when I received my customary email, I responded in a different way. I asked her what her favorite part of this issue was. Here is her reply.

” I like the same as always. I use ezine, wipe out your talk and put my talk in. send out MY ezine.”

It’s quite a joy when your work is so meaningful to so many.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
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