Thursday, September 19, 2024

Five Ways To Super-Charge Your Ads

You have decided to try your hand at running a business in the Internet Marketing world. Lesson number one is Learn to Super-Charge your advertising.

You can have the greatest product in the world, but if you can’t get anyone to your website, you’re business will get quite lonely.

I am going to tell you five ways to get your advertising on the road to being Super-Charged.

1. Research

Research your product – What problem does your product or service address? Look for all of the benefits that your product or service provides. Make a list of each benefit that you come up with.

Research your competitors – You need to know how your product or service stacks up against the competition. Look at their prices, the benefits they are pushing, what kind of advertising are they doing? The more you know about the competition, the better off you will be.

Research other successful ads – Look around and see what kind of ads are successful. Look on TV, listen to the radio and check out the print mediums as well. Look for ads that generate your curiosity or seem to attract your attention. What do these ads have in common or what about them catches your eye.

Research is very important for ad writing and yet most will not spend any time on this most important step.

2. Write Great Headlines

If you want to be successful, you need to learn to write great headlines.

The headline is your chance to get the customers attention. I look through hundreds of ads each day. I only read a few. I read nothing but headlines and if you can’t pull me in with that, well you just have another ad among thousands.

How do I write great headlines? I am not a writer you say. This is where step one becomes such an important part of your ad writing.

You made a list of all of the benefits. Now write a different headline using each benefit. How many you ask? Well I would recommend anywhere from 25 to 50. Why so many you ask? You want as many choices as possible, plus this will make the actual writing of your ad a breeze. More on that later.

Now that you have a list of headlines, start eliminating them one by one until you get down to the best two or three.

3. Write Magnetic Ads

When the customer starts reading your ad, half the battle is won. You now have the customer’s attention. You don’t want to lose it.

This is actually the easy part. You want to make the customer curious enough to click through to your website or sales page.

Look at all of the headlines that you have discarded. You should be able to find plenty of ideas that will make the customers life easier.

Tell the customer what your product or service will do for them.

*Can you save them time?

This product will save you five hours a week.

*Can you make their website pull more visitors?

This product will help you pull 28% more visitors.

Tell the customer how you can make their life easier and you will get a nice percentage of visitors.

Be specific with your statements.

Notice how I used 5 hours and not, a few hours a week.

Also, using an exact percentage such as 28%, is much better than rounding it off to 30%.

A specific type statement is much more believable than a generic one.

4. Test your Headlines

You should now test your headlines to see which one pulls the best.

The number of headlines that you test will depend on what size budget you are working with.

I am going to use an example of how I test two different headlines. You can use the same principles to check as many as you choose.

This is one way that I test my headlines. There are many ways to test. Use your imagination and the ways are unlimited. This is a nice simple one.

I now have my ad copy finished and I will use the same ad copy with both headlines.

I choose a couple of ezines within my budget and buy a couple of some type Sponsor Ad. I personally prefer to use the Top Sponsor spot. It attracts more attention and not only gives me truer results but also usually gives me more sales as well.

The first week I run my ad with Headline A in ezine number 1 and Headline B in ezine number 2. The second week, I switch the ads to the other ezine.

With the ads running for a full week in each ezine, I have pretty good numbers to check for results.

You now know which headline pulls the best, so it’s time to start your ad campaign.

5. Advertising Campaign Deluxe

At this point, most of the work is done, but not quite.

The two most popular places to advertise are Solo Ads in ezines and the Pay-Per- Click search engines.

I personally prefer to use Solo Ads as my primary method of advertising. With a little research, you can find some of the better ezines to advertise in.

I personally like to subscribe to the ezine and check it out. You want to find ezines that have valuable information. If the ezine provides good content, the subscribers are usually reading and if they are reading, you have a great audience for your ad.

The second choice is Pay-Per-Click search engines. They can be a very valuable tool when used correctly but they can also cost you a big chunk of money quickly if you are not skilled at using them.

I would recommend that you use Solo Ads until you are sure that your sales page or website are accomplishing what you wish.

Getting a successful ad campaign off the ground takes a lot of time and effort. Most are not willing to pay the price for success. Take the time to make your campaign successful by Super-Charging your ads.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic
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