Sunday, October 6, 2024

Daily Opportunities

Every day you have the opportunity to do things differently. Every day you have the opportunity to change and grow. You can find comfort in knowing that you can reorient yourself in the direction of you goals instantly by reading them and recommitting, sometimes more than once a day! No matter what you did yesterday, you can choose again today. Are you using that opportunity?

For some folks, a pattern exists–that of continually “beating themselves up” for mistakes from the past. You know, the “I-should-have-known-better”, “I-should-have-seen-it-coming” variety of self-talk. That kind of talk is only useful once or twice in any situation, and it only has value at all if it is used to determine what could have been done differently and to learn from the experience. Some folks make a life work of beating themselves up for past mistakes, or missed opportunities. In fact, some people in some cultures focus entirely on the wrongs done to them generations before and generate anger that prevents them from seeing clearly in the present moment. Energy use is a choice, too.

Knowing both the direction in which you wish your life to go, and how you would like to feel on the journey, gives you the information necessary for drawing your personal map. It is your choice what you take on this trip, which path you will follow and when you would like to reach your destination. It is your journey, and, therefore, your choice. Sure, you may find some bridges washed out and have to find alternative pathways. You may find unexpected jungles that slow you down, however, remembering where you are headed rather than bemoaning what you left behind, will always move you forward.

For today, read your goals. (If you do not have any written goals, commit to writing one in each of four categories, today–physical, intellectual, social/emotional and spiritual.) Take one step, large or small, in the direction of at least one goal before you sleep tonight. Just before you drift off to sleep, review your day and acknowledge yourself for the steps you have taken and make a plan for tomorrow.

(C) Rhoberta Shaler, PhD All rights reserved worldwide.

International speaker, coach, author & talk radio host,
Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, is an expert motivator. She gives you
the strategies and motivation to shift your results from
acceptable to EXCEPTIONAL in life and business. Subscribe to
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