Friday, September 20, 2024

Dramatically Increase Your Affiliate Earnings Today

Is your web site earning enough money? Okay, dumb question. I know the answer… You can never earn enough money. Everybody wants to earn more than what they’re getting now, and I’m pretty sure that includes Bill Gates.

So the real question is not whether you want to earn more, but how you are going to earn more. What’s your strategy? Is it simply to get more visitors?

If you’ve ever said, “If only I could get more hits” then you could well be missing opportunities to boost your income that are available right now.

Truth is, that after the initial launch and submission phase, many web sites tend to level off in traffic, and while incremental increases in traffic are always possible, it takes time and effort to achieve those. If you want immediate results, the simplest way to achieve them is not to get more visitors, but increase the amount you make from each of your existing visitors.

There’s usually a stack of things you can do to increase revenues, and most of them aren’t difficult:

* If per-click or per-action banners are paying your bills see if you can draw visitors attention to them by changing the layout of your pages, or changing the background color around the area where the banner is placed.

* If banners are the only things contributing to your bottom line, you’re probably missing a huge opportunity to increase revenues. Find merchants relating to your topic, join their affiliate programs, integrate information (preferably text links with accompanying content) into your site, and your CPM can shoot through the roof.

* Check for leaks. Look at your logs and see how visitors leave your site. If it isn’t through a paying link, take at your navigation and content to see if this can be improved. Similarly look out for paying links that aren’t performing – maybe you need to change your ad-copy, or perhaps find an alternative program.

* Getting somebody to come to your site in the first place is the toughest step. For this reason, experienced marketers always tell you to “work the back-end”, meaning maximize your profits from each visitor/customer – by selling them more than one product. If you’re using affiliate programs, it can be difficult to achieve the same effect, but it’s not impossible. Creating your own ezine, or at the very least giving visitors a compelling reason to bookmark, opens up the possibility of making more than one sale to each person.

None of this means that increasing traffic isn’t important. If you only get a handful of visitors to your site, don’t expect to make a barrel full of money. But on the other hand, if you’ve already built up some traffic and simply need to increase revenues, don’t automatically assume the answer is necessarily getting still more visitors.

Copyright, S. Tanna, webmaster and publisher of
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