Saturday, October 5, 2024

How Hard Is It To Get Guaranteed Sales From Guaranteed Visitors ?

You will certainly have come across one of those “guaranteed visitors” deals already. Ads like : “Do you need traffic ? We’ll send 50,000 or even 100,000 visitors to your site – starting today” promise the solution to every webmaster’s nightmare about not getting enough visitors to his web site. Most of the times, these visitors are delivered in the form of pop-unders at high traffic sites.

Let’s suppose you’re an Internet marketer and you’re selling a $20 ebook. Then they make nice strategic numbers’ games like : If only 1% of those 50,000 bought your $20 ebook, you would make $10,000 from an investment of, let me say $180. If Internet marketing was that easy then why are the “gurus” telling us how important it is to get TARGETED traffic?

Untargeted Traffic Does Not Convert, Or Does It ?

It’s easy : Those conversion numbers don’t exist . You’ll never get a 1% to buy anything from you even if you are the marketing guru yourself. Terry Dean , for example, did a lot of intensive testing of those guaranteed visitor deals for his Netbreakthroughs site ( and he found out that none of these deals offered real value for his money.

Why is this the case ? Well, people are always in a hurry. You might have a great headline that works every time an Internet marketer reads it. But how many of those guaranteed visitors might be Internet marketers ? In other words, your own conversion numbers are based on TARGETED traffic. If someone reads it who has nothing to do with your business,

why should he click on your links?

What Kind Of Businesses Could Profit From Those Guaranteed Visitors?

Only those businesses which don’t sell something to a niche market but rather to the masses could be able to make some sales. They might sell music CDs, Videos, something for your kitchen (everybody has got to eat…), flowers and that sort of things. That might be something which could be selling, although I haven’t read any tests about it so far.

But even with that kind of products, you will have a hard time selling them. Or do you personally buy from a site where you have never bought anything before ? Sales are made from relationships of the customer to the seller, not to the product. That might be different if you sell products which are so much in demand that people would buy everywhere to get them. I think, this was the case with those Tamagotchis when they came up a couple of years ago…

You Need More Than Just One Contact To Close The Sale

The best option would be if you could entice them to join your mailing list. But these could be the most expensive subscribers you’ve ever received. The word FREE is overused these days . If someone announces his new newsletter as a FREE newsletter and even TARGETED visitors give it a shrug and say “So what?”, how can you expect to get untargeted visitors to join your newsletter ?

Another question would be how loyal would these subscribers be when they only joined because they could receive something for free … ?

In Closing…

If you would invest that $180 in a pay per click campaign with Overture or one of those other PPC search engines, you would be getting more sales than with any of those untargeted 50,000 or 100,000 visitor deals.

The only positive aspect I could possibly see in this, would be to improve your visitor statistics at . A lot of potential JV-partners will take a look at your traffic statistics, first, before they suggest a strategic partnership with you.

And Alexa does not make any difference to where your visitors come from ….

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