Saturday, October 5, 2024

Does My Back-End Look Big In This?

There is no rule that says you have to have back-end products. There are many people online who sell a single product and make good money at it. But, in truth, they are wasting a valuable resource, and making a lot more work for themselves, as we shall see.

Let’s look at two examples of how back-end selling

works well online.

There is a lady I know online who sells a fantastic

topical cream that helps eczema sufferers. She spends

time and money targeting her advertising to the right

audience so that she can sell as much cream as

possible. But she is a one product company. She only

sells that one cream and has no plans as yet to

introduce new products.

What is her back-end?

More cream. Everyone who buys becomes part of a new

‘super-targeted’ audience. She can email them special

‘repeat purchase’ offers at virtually no cost to her.

So she makes these existing customers feel special by

giving them great cost savings – and ends up making a

higher profit-per-customer than she would have done

otherwise. Along the way, these ‘super targets’ also

recommend her to their friends and family, so she makes

even more sales.

That system works for her because she sells a

consumable product, that really works, and is not

available elsewhere.

But what about one-off purchases that do not have a

repeat function built in?

As a second example, let’s suppose you want to sell

information products, or ebooks. Having created your

first book, take a moment and think how you can expand

it to add interest to the type of people who would buy.

Perhaps a special report, another book on a related

topic, a video, a member’s site – the list is almost

endless. Only after you have created this second-string

product should you launch the first one.

How might this work in practice?

In order to sell anything on the net, you need to

invest some money. Don’t believe the people who tell

you that it can all be done for free. it can’t. Maybe

you need less to start up a business online than in the

‘real world’, but you still need some seed capital. You

need money for search engine positioning, money for

advertising, web hosting, domain names and so on.

If you are clever and well advised, you will waste as

little of your cash as possible. But, spend you must.

Suppose you spend $500 and you get 5,000 targeted hits

to your web site. If you have written a really good

sales letter and have a clear message, you might be

very lucky and convert 3% of the visitors into sales

(very lucky!). That would mean that you sell 150 items

and each sale has cost you $3.33.

If your ebook sells for $9.99 you are looking at a

healthy 200% profit.

Now, here comes the magic.

You have not just created 150 happy customers, you have

also created a list of 150 ‘super-targets’. People who

have shown themselves to be predisposed to buy from


The next step is to send them an email saying that as a

valued customer, you would like to make them an

exclusive special offer – a prelaunch special deal on

your new ebook – instead of the normal price of

$24.99, which it will cost when it goes on general

release, they can order it right now for just $17.97.

Your conversion rate against these super-targets should

be much higher than before. Perhaps as high as 20%. So

you may sell 30 copies and gross $539.10 from these

customers that you would not have otherwise got.

At zero advertising cost!

Instead of making $1,498.50 for your $500 investment,

you have made $2,037.60. 308% return on investment

instead of 200%.

And that is just the beginning, because you now have a

loyal following to pre-sell your next product to – and

the next.

The lifetime value of your select band of ‘super-

targets could be enormous.

I have done a lot of mail order marketing in my time (I

worked in the advertising industry for 25 years) and

have seen back-end marketing make companies millions. I

even did it myself when I ran my own mail order

company. We advertised a ‘free’ bottle of aromatherapy

oil, which customers just paid carriage on. Thousands

responded. We then sent a sales letter with every free

bottle selling a great value pack of 6 oils. That sold

a lot. Then every customer got a regular order form

with additional products on it.

It worked well, and everyone was happy, but believe me,

it works even better on the Internet. Repeat contact of

customers (often called relationship marketing) offline

still carries a considerable cost – paper, printing,

envelopes, postage, fulfillment.

Online, all of these cost just melt away.

Leaving you with that lovely, cuddly six-letter word:


So to answer the original question, yes, your back-end

does look big. Wonderful, isn’t it?

Martin Avis is the author of the best-selling ‘Unlock the Secrets of Private Label eBooks’ – a complete blueprint to private label rights success. Visit to see how you can tap into this goldmine for yourself.

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