Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to Get Non-Stop Profits With a Simple Classified Ad

I love classified ads. They are the cheapest advertising on the planet. If you use them right, classified ads can really turn a profit for you.

Probably the most successful classified ad was only two lines long. It started off “I just made $200 with this ad.” It promoted an affiliate program where people got 20 bucks every time they helped sell a membership. The theory was place the ad, sell 10 friends and online acquaintances, and you’ve made a quick $200.

It was an easy idea lots of people could get their minds around. The “earn $200” ad ran in every ezine on the Net. Some featured the same ad four or five times in a single issue.

Why did this little ad work? The headline was easy to digest fast. It promised something we’re all interested in–an exciting shot at fast cash.

Start your headline with an action word, like earn, profit, or relax. Include yourself in the ad. Even better, start your ad with “I.” Saying “I tried it and it works” persuades a LOT of people.

Use short, staccato sentences. Instead of “Here is a product that helps your earn cash while enjoying life”–shorten it to “earn cash, enjoy life.” People are in a hurry and this brief way of writing works. You will notice even TV news reporters are starting to talk like this. Audiences respond.

State the price. I know a lot of people say it is better to keep the price a secret, but you scare off a lot of people that way. Many of us automatically guess the price is more than we want to pay. Stating the price gets that issue out of the way.

Give people a web page to click to. The page should start with the same words as your classified ad. Then sell the one–and only one–product or service you promoted in your classified ad. Give customers a way to buy online.

Also list your phone number. Most than half of North Americans can’t type and don’t much like ordering online. Give them an easy telephone option.

Post your ad on Yahoo and AOL (now free for AOL members–get the $10 a month bring-your-own membership.) Also pay to have your ads included in some good ezines. Email newsletters are THE cheapest way to reach a lot of people. Also look for ways to put your ad in your local newspaper classifieds. Thousands of people in your town make it a habit to loyally read and follow-up on the classified section.

Above all, don’t give up. Keep changing your ad until you find something that works. Look for ads that appear over and over. Take a few tips from what they do and incorporate it into your ads. Once you get an ad that produces, use it again and again for years. When people see the same ad over a long time, they don’t get bored. They figure you are established and successful. That leads to frequent, non-stop sales.

Keller Flynn writes powerful classified ads at Get his Extra Money Newsletter FREE at to learn more about how YOU can profit from the affiliate boom. Reach Keller at or 801-328-9006.

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