Friday, September 20, 2024

Millionaire Essence

Perfume is Perfume because of its essence. We know bread is baking because of its essence. We know a mechanic is a mechanic because of his essence. We know a physician is a physician because of his essence. We know a building is a building and a rose is a rose because of their essence. We know Wealthy people & Millionaires because of their essence.

So..How did the Perfume, bread, mechanic, physician, rose, building, wealthy and millionaire people all develop their essences?

They spent time thinking, pondering, practicing, doing, being studying and applying in that particular area so that they then put off an essence, a vibration around them, an energy stream, that then brought to them and projected from them that subject.

Perfume that comes to us in bottles or cologne, have been spent time over by someone to become that essence. Bread has become bread, because someone has spent time over that bread. It’s the same with the mechanics, physician, building, and the rose. And yes, even the wealthy and the millionaires.

Someone has spent some time thinking, pondering and being, and studying and applying those things.

However, in all those cases, they kept moving forward. They didn’t stop and say: *Oh, I’ll never get this perfume right, it will never smell good enough. I’ll never get this bread right, it’ll never be bread. I’ll never be a doctor, I can’t get it right.* It’s the same with millionaire and wealthy people.

Some where along the way, someone was spending time over money, and cash, and resources and income streams. They kept moving forward no matter what.

It is as we spend time and give attention to something that it then flows to us. Why? Because as we spend attention on anything we are giving *light* to it. There is nothing more powerful than *light*. And as we begin to see and apply everything that way, we begin to know a smidgen of our power.

Have you been spending time over Wealth and Millionaire? If you have then it will come to you, it has to . It’s the way things work. And it can come to you ease and fun.

If Millionaire & Wealth feel too far away, you for now would be happy with more money than you have; then again the question:

Have you spent time over more money coming in, or have you spent time over worrying it won’t come. You can have both.

Oh, and if you have a problem with folks who are rich & wealthy, and or how different people spend time over their money and wealth. Then guess what. It is that very judgment, that keeps money away from you. Or you have to struggle to bring in just what you need, never mind the elusive feeling of richness. If we are judging someone else’s money, and income, then by the Law of Our Life Experience, we are constricting our own flow of money.

Spirit does not care how we bring our money and resources to us, it cares how we expand spiritually, so that we can bring more money to us. It will not come from judging others.

As Cindy Adams wrote in her recent NY Times column. (Column title: *Don’t Knock the Rich*.)*Did anyone poor ever hire you?* This was a very funny column, where she was making lots of fun of her rich friends, but also making a huge point, of what they mean to many around the world for all the good that they do, and because of what? More money. They had spent some time & attention over: Money.

If you’d just like an extra 10,000. Or 100,000.00. Do you have it written down anywhere? Do you look at it every day? You go to your job every day, don’t you? And guess what? You have your job. And if you lose you job; What do you do? You go and look (spend energy over) for another job. And guess what, you end up with another job.

If we want more chunks of money, and zooming in the essence of wealth and millionaire showing up. Then we gotta spend some time there. Are you willing?

Author/Consultant Susan James writes of User Friendly
Physics and The Immaculate Physics Applications to our
lives. Covering Millionaires to Weight Loss, Susan writes
from personal application of Maverick Momentum methods.
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