Friday, September 20, 2024

The Power of Appreciation

I was driving down the highway the other day. I was in the slow lane, adhering to the speed limit, when suddenly the truck in front of me had to brake sharply because of a slow moving truck in front of him. I was in one of those situations where I wouldn’t have enough time to brake to avoid an accident and couldn’t overtake because of a car coming up fast in the overtake lane.

As if seeing my predicament, the driver in the overtake lane quickly moved to the fast lane, thus freeing up the space I needed to avoid hitting the back of the truck. As he drove past me we looked at each other at precisely the same moment and both raised our hands to say Thank You’.

I was really touched by this spontaneous meeting’ of our two spirits. For that split second we were in complete harmony with each other. What he had done for me (without the usual issues of dominance on the road) had most probably helped me avoid a serious accident.

It really brought home to me what a powerful force the power of appreciation’ is.

How differently we react when someone answers our angry comment with a kind word. What a difference it makes when someone takes the time to listen when we need to talk.

Next time someone does something for you, take a minute and express your sincere appreciation. I mean really express it.

-Tell them how much what they did for you, means -Let them know how much you value having their shoulder to cry on -Show how much their love means to you -Say Thanks’ like you really mean it.

A friend of mine has the wonderful habit of telling you when that dress really suits you. You can see that she is sincere just by the way she says it and it brightens up your whole day. She says it without waiting for a compliment in return. She says it without envy or jealousy and she also says it completely spontaneously.

I’ve included an excerpt of a list written by Steve Stephens of things you can say, every day

“Good Job!” “You’re wonderful.” “You look gorgeous today.” “I appreciate all the things you have done for me.” “You are the best friend I have.” “I missed you today.” “I can always count on you.” “You make me feel good.” “I am so proud to be married to you.” “I’m sorry.” “I was wrong.” “What would you like?” “What’s on your mind?” “Thank you for loving me.” “Thank you for accepting me.”

I guarantee that saying something heartfelt and genuine to someone who’s done something for you, or someone who means a lot to you, will not only brighten their day, but yours too.

Lisa van den Berg is the author of Alleviate Stress
How to WIN at the Game of Life!
Take the free online Stress Test at to see how
much stress youre under and why you need to do
something about it right now!

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