Thursday, September 19, 2024

Free Promotion Tip of the Week More Tips For Free Ezine Ads

A couple of weeks ago I listed 5 tips that could be used to improve the effectiveness of your free ezine ads. The response was so good that I decided to list 5 more tips this week. Enjoy…

1. Thank The Publisher

When you submit your free ad, be sure to thank the publisher for the free advertising. This kind gesture may get your ad placed before all the other free ads.

2. Save Ads In Text Editor

Keep a file of all your ads in a text editor like Notepad or Microsoft Word. This way you will always have them readily available.

3. Submit Often

Whenever you see an opportunity to submit a free ad, take it. Submit as often and as many ads as each ezine will allow.

4. Keep Your Ads Tasteful

Make sure that your ads are G-rated and are not offensive. Publishers are very concerned about their ezine’s image and are quick to delete ads that they feel may harm it.

5. Keep Stats

Keep track of the results of each ad. Find out which ads work, and which don’t. Reuse the ads that are effective, and discard the ones that are not.

If you’re looking for more information on free ezine ads you can visit:

Free Ezine Advertising

Free Ezine Ads

If you have any questions regarding no-cost promotion online feel free to email me at mailto:TimothyWard@s…

copyright 2002

Timothy Ward moderates the Ezine Article Writers Webring as well as Free Ezine Articles, an article announcement group. To learn more visit:
Or you can visit his travel website:

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