Friday, September 20, 2024

The First Step to Real Success

Do you want to have success? Do you want to feel a successful person? Success is what many people are striving for. Success is deemed to be the ultimate goal to strive towards. That’s fine to a degree, because we all need to head towards something worthwhile. However, one of the problems I’ve noticed is that, although many people say they want success, they can’t define it clearly. Their definition of success is vague.

People tend to measure success in material possessions or monetary terms. Typically by statements like, “When I’m a millionaire I’ll feel successful” or “When I have a top of the range luxury car I’ll know I’ve reached success.” Success is often put on a pedestal, at a distance. All too often, before these goals are reached, they’re extended. It’s almost as if the closer they get to success, the further away they move the goal posts.

When we define success, we often compare ourselves to others. It’s too easy to look at another person’s perceived success and think if we had that as well, we would be successful. We strive for the possessions others have in order to experience success. If we don’t get them, we feel a failure. Or we get these material possessions and then discover that having them isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so we still don’t necessarily feel successful. When you compare yourself to others you’re likely to be left feeling a failure. When your idea of success comes down to money or material possessions, you often wake up and realise there’s something missing in your life. Success is about much more than that.

I’m not suggesting you forget the monetary aspect of success, because this is certainly a part of it. But it is only a part. True success encompasses all areas of your life and when you measure all of them, your success will be more balanced. The different areas of your life to consider are:

Physical environment Health Friends/Family Work Partner/Relationship Fun/Recreation Personal Development Finances.

The measurement of your success goes beyond work and business. When we get too tied up in measuring our success through what we do for a living, we can come crashing down if we’re made redundant or the business ceases.

Success is often talked about. It’s one of those things that many people are striving for, but fear at the same time. We talk about people and label them as successful. Yet success as a word is often without any real meaning for most people. Success is held up as something to aim for.

If you’re chasing other people’s versions of success, you’re not likely to experience it yourself. You will only feel and be successful when you do it your own way. The first step towards real success is to define success for yourself. The dictionary defines ‘success’ as the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted. Your definition will different from other people’s. Success isn’t an end result or a goal; it’s a process and a journey to be enjoyed.

“There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way” – Christopher Morley

Success needs to be exciting and fill you with enthusiasm, not put you under undue pressure. Let your definition of success give you plenty of opportunities to celebrate. Your measure of success should challenge you, to really bring our your best rather than allow you to become complacent.

How will you know when you’re successful? What is your own definition of success?

Wendy Hearn works with business owners, professionals and executives to discover and unlock their own inspiration, to effortlessly take the actions required to have the success they desire. To receive Wendy’s free newsletter, send an email to: Copyright 2003, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.

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