Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Power Of Choice In This New Year!

We, of all living creatures, have the true power of choice. It is one of the few things that sets us apart in this universe of ours.

We can choose to be happy or sad, wealthy or poor, healthy or sickly, confident or weasily, honest or dishonest, moral or immoral, educated or illiterate, and so on to infinity. Our entire lives are made up of momentary choices.

The true magnificence of the power of choice is that we can choose all the better things in life at any time we wish. We have merely to make our choices and then provide the effort to ensure our choices bear the fruit we desire.

What will your choices be for this new year, the first year of the new millennium? Will they be to persist until you succeed, regardless of the number of times you fail? Will they be to choose to write the article which has only been a thought in your mind for some time now? Will it be to choose to start and publish your own ezine? Will it be to write your own ebook?

Ah, choices! But so many choices, what should I choose to do first? Choose that which is nearest and dearest to your heart and of which you have thought the longest. Then act on it!

Rather than this ezine being Volume I, Issue 1, it should have been Volume 297, Issue 1,997. That is how long I have thought about publishing it before I finally got around to doing it. I kept waiting until the time was right, and would still have been putting it off. However, I had the not-so- sudden insight that I was merely procrastinating and the time would never be perfectly right.

My choice has now been made and even though it is just a very small step in the right direction, it is finally the beginning of my journey as an ezine publisher. Time and my readers will tell me if this has been a good choice for me.

Each of us has something unique to give to the world. We have no way of knowing when something we say or do will have a very beneficial effect on someone else. It may have been just what they needed to know and could only understand it because of the way we stated it.

If you have ever considered writing an article for publication or publishing an ezine, choose to do it now. Somewhere someone is waiting for what you have to say and it will have a major impact on their life. There are people on this earth with whom only you can effectively communicate. It will be your unique way of saying or doing something that will give them what they need to propel their efforts in the right direction.

Robert Taylor
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