Saturday, October 5, 2024

Adding MSN's Live Search To Your Site

While it may not help on the SEO/SEM end, adding a search option to your site improves its usability a great deal, especially if you have a large site with a great deal of content. Some webmasters prefer to use an in-house search function, but if you don’t have the programming knowledge and/or budget to make your own, you can always use those provided by the search engine companies.

And now, thanks to MSN’s Live Search, your site search options have increased. According to the Live Search blog, prospective users can now add MSN’s search technology to their site in two flavors, advanced or basic. The Live Search Box site explains further:

Basic Search Box
Displays results on the Windows Live Search page. Searches a single site that you specify, or the Web.

Advanced Search Box
Displays results on your site. Searches multiple sites you specify, the Web, or uses a Search Macro.

The Live Search Blog has a more in-depth explanation of the advanced box:

When the user enters a query, the search box dynamically builds a floating on your page to display the search results. You can customize the query in the first tab to search your site, your macro or anything else, while the second tab will return general web search results. The floating will position itself appropriately, whether you decide to place the box on the left, right, top, or bottom of your Web site.

Sounds like an AJAX type of application, an output that may confuse some of the more novice web users. However, having the option to implement both is a wise move, especially when you consider most webmasters like to control their site’s output. The basic search functions much like MSN’s competitors do – a form search box with search results appearing in the Windows Live Search style. MSN’s Basic Live Search function can be customized to search either a specific site or the web.

I did notice something as I was investigating both styles of the Live Search Box. When you choose to get started with the Advanced Search, users are taken to a page that allows them to construct a personalized, AJAX-looking site search. However, if you select the Basic option, users are taken the Windows Live Site Owner Help Page, which does not feature the necessary HTML form required. I’m wondering if this is a bad link or I just wasn’t thorough enough…

Chris Richardson
Staff Writer | Murdok Blog

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