Saturday, October 5, 2024

Android Crowds iPhone In New comScore Report

In several key respects, the Android platform has almost caught up to the iPhone, according to new statistics from comScore.  There are still a lot more iPhones floating around in the great, wide world, of course, but otherwise, Android’s doing extremely well.

Let’s start with the table below.  It illustrates that more than the average smartphone user, Android users do a lot of things other than talk.  This is important since it could mean that Android devices aren’t becoming buy-and-forget paperweights; owners actually enjoy using them.

And indeed, Android’s numbers are almost neck-and-neck with Apple’s.

Then there’s the simple matter of what people have said they intend to buy.  A comScore statement reported, “[O]f those American consumers in the market for a smartphone, 17 percent are considering the purchase of an android-supported device in next three months, compared to 20 percent indicating they plan to purchase an iPhone.”

So again, Android’s almost caught up with the iPhone.

Given a few more months and the release of another Android device or two, it’s not hard to imagine that we’ll see a tie or new leader.

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