Friday, September 20, 2024

The Boston Globe Launches Digital Newspaper

The Boston Globe has launched a digital version of its newspaper called GlobeReader, which can be read online or offline.

GlobeReader replaces the preview edition that launched over the summers and was available to subscribers for free. The GlobeReader is still available for free to Boston Globe’s seven-day newspaper subscribers.

For non-subscribers the GlobeReader is offered for $4.98 per week. A bundle including home delivery of the Sunday Globe along with 7-day access to the Globe Reader is offered at the same price.

The GlobeReader can be downloaded daily to a subscribers desktop, laptop or netbook in a style aimed at mirroring the look and feel of the print version of The Boston Globe.

Improvements to the new version of the GlobeReader include the addition of comics, sports scores, weather and the daily crossword puzzle.

Key features include:


  •     Articles are set in the same type font as the paper, and the page design is understated and clean.
  •     The navigation is easy and clear.
  •     Scanning for stories or photos is fast.
  •     Readability features include adjustable type size and screen size.

“Reader response to the preview edition of the has been very encouraging. Now we’re pleased to offer GlobeReader to the public at large,” said Chris Mayer, senior vice president, circulation and operations, The Boston Globe.

“It is important for our business to offer Globe news and information on a variety of platforms that appeal to a variety of market segments.”

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