Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Okay With Blocking News Corp.

In a recent interview we wrote about this morning, Rupert Murdoch indicated that News Corp. may block search engines from indexing its sites.  Now, it doesn’t exactly look like Google’s going to offer money to him (or throw a fit) in response, as the search giant’s more or less replied by saying “fine.”

Actually, depending on what sort of tone you attribute to them, some of the comments made to Emma Barnett came closer to “it’s your funeral.”  A spokesman told her, “Google News and web search are a tremendous source of promotion for news organisations, sending them about 100,000 clicks every minute.”

And later, there was something approaching “make my day.”  The spokesman said, “If publishers want their content to be removed from Google News specifically all they need to do is tell us.”

So it should be interesting to see what happens.  Judging solely by the comments on our earlier piece and Barnett’s article, it seems that Murdoch might wind up missing “search people” (as he referred to them) a lot more than searchers would miss News Corp.’s content.

Google News, Minus News Corp.

Pay walls have worked in some specific instances, though, and since any disappearing act News Corp. pulled would almost certainly receive tons of mainstream media coverage, the publicity-generating value of the unprecedented move is interesting to consider.

Related Articles:

> Murdoch On Blocking Search Engines: “I Think We Will”

> MySpace To Miss $100 Million From Google Search Deal

> Murdoch Says Newspapers Must Charge For Online Content

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