Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Highlights Searches For Black Friday Deals

With Thanksgiving just a few weeks’ away consumers are already starting to search for deals online.

Over the last seven days fifty percent of the top “Black Friday” related search terms include ads, sales and deals, according to Google Insights for Search.


The Google Retail Advertising Blog provides more details. “Interestingly, when we look at Black Friday rising searches over the last 7 days, we see that ‘Early Black Friday’ is the second rising search term, meaning it has grown over 2,000% during this time period with respect to the previous time period.”

“It also may indicate that consumers are not only leveraging ‘Black Friday’ and searches to locate promotions on these days, but may be seeking out similar types of promotions and offerings even before Thanksgiving weekend.”


Google also offers advice on what types of ads will appeal the most to bargain shoppers. “Text ads should highlight specific price points, discounts, coupon codes, and special promotions. Also, remember to keep an eye on search trends in your own category by leveraging Google Insights for Search.”




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