Friday, September 20, 2024

Google’s Music Service In China Attracting Advertisers

Google’s music service in China hasn’t achieved much so far; no one should look for Google’s next quarterly financial report to say it’s brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue or toppled Baidu.  But neither has it failed, and one person who’s close to the service recently indicated that it’s picking up steam.

Google LogoGary Chen is close by merit of being the founder and CEO of Orca Digital.  Orca Digital owns, which is Google’s partner in the venture.

As for what Chen to say, it turns out that some big companies have aligned themselves with the project, even if they’re not yet spending a lot of money.  According to Loretta Chao, “Chen . . . said in an interview that five advertisers have signed on for the service so far, including Nokia Corp., Apple Inc. and Volkswagen AG, with total commitments of 2.5 million yuan ($370,000).”

Then here’s the really interesting part: Chao continued, “Orca Digital and Google expect to sign several more ad deals that could bring in $1 million each, and hope to have a total of 30 advertisers within a half year . . .”

If things continue to snowball at that rate, Google’s music service in China could become quite important in a rather short period of time.

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