Friday, September 20, 2024

Google and Heineken Study Search for Branding

This week Google released some findings from a test Google Netherlands conducted with Metrixlab, Heineken, and Heineken’s agency Twist. They set out to find what effects paid search ads had on branding, and were quite pleased with the results.

The idea was to compare the effectiveness of search against other media as well as look at the interaction of search with those other media. They measured the impact of Heineken’s “Jouw Heineken” campaign, which led consumers to, where they could design custom beer bottles for purchase. In addition to search, they used TV, online display ads, and YouTube.

Here are the key findings that Google highlights from the study:

– A Search impression alone creates 23% more brand preference for Heineken than the whole Heineken campaign without search. A search click creates 69% more brand preference.

– The fact that search was able to affect a brand metric like brand preference shows the ability for search to move consumers further into the purchase funnel, beyond just awareness.

– The addition of Search to TV increased overall brand effect by 1.5 times, illustrating the synergistic effects of Search and TV.

– Search proved to be 53% more cost efficient than TV in creating Top of Mind Awareness.

– The eye-tracking heat map portion of the study concluded that the 1st search result on the left side captures and retains the most attention.

– Frequency testing showed that three impression contacts were 39% better than one at moving brand preference.

Last week, Google shared some findings from a separate test that it ran with Levi’s. The conclusions drawn were similar. The companies found that paid search ads raised consumer awareness of the Levi’s brand, regardless of whether or not they were clicked.

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Google Says Search Ads Boost Brand Awareness

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