Friday, September 20, 2024

Plan For Impressive “Yahooplex” In Motion

Either Yahoo learned nothing from the real estate bubble, or the company’s got something pretty fantastic up its sleeve.  Or it’s just sending out feelers, not preparing to pour concrete.  Anyway, a fresh report indicates that Yahoo’s taken a step towards building a large, new campus.

John Letzing wrote earlier today about a campus plan that involves 13 structures and 3 million square feet.  “Yahoo’s proposed campus is made up of sleek, six-story buildings set amid landscaped grounds and expansive plazas.  It bears a resemblance to Google’s Mountain View headquarters, dubbed the ‘Googleplex,’ which is situated less than 10 miles to the northwest,” he reported.

Yahoo LogoThen here’s another important detail: Santa Clara City Planner Carol Anne Painter told Letzing that the Santa Clara City Council could approve the development early next year.

Just don’t go submitting your application to Yahoo (if you feel this is a sign of success and an expansion) – or betting on its bankruptcy (if you feel otherwise) – quite yet.

The company told Tom Krazit, “Yahoo purchased 42.5 acres of land in Santa Clara in July 2006.  We submitted initial plans to the City of Santa Clara to redevelop the property in August 2008 and plans are currently with the City to procure entitlements for developing the land.  We are taking the proper steps to secure approval for the development of the land.  We continue to evaluate our real estate portfolio on a worldwide basis to ensure it best supports our business.”

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