Friday, September 20, 2024

Coming Attraction: Netflix on your PS3

This question is for all you PS3 owners out there: How would you like to watch a movie streamed directly from Netflix via your PS3? Well, starting next month… you’ll be able to do just that.

Will you stream movies to your PS3 from Netflix? Let us know.

Netflix + PS3

 Yesterday Greg Peters, VP of product development at Netflix, updated the company blog where he talked about the partnership between Sony and Netflix

“We’ve got good news for PS3 owners! Soon you will be able to instantly watch movies and TV episodes on your TV via your PS3. Today we announced that the PS3 is about to join the ever growing list of Netflix ready devices that allow streaming of movies and TV episodes whenever you want, as much as you want, all included in your unlimited Netflix subscription. The PS3 is a terrific Blu-ray and gaming platform that will get even better in November when we start streaming thousands of movies and TV episodes!”

According to the Playstation blog, there are nearly nine million PS3 owners and 11.1 million Netflix members, which seem to make the two quite a match.

It should be noted that Xbox 360 owners have had this capability for roughly the past four months, so I guess the question is… why is the PS3 so late to the Netflix party and will Wii owners ever get the service?

Do you think the Nintendo Wii will ever be able to stream Netflix? Tell us what you think.

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