Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Connects Friends on WordPress Blogs

Google has developed a plug-in for WordPress that adds the social features of Google Friend Connect to WordPress blogs. The plug-in allows visitors to these blogs to authenticate using any OpenID account, including Google, Yahoo, or AIM and then comment on posts without having to register. When a visitor authenticates, it creates a WordPress account.

Google Friend Connect“You can later add or remove permissions for the visitor from the WordPress site administration pages,” explains Mauro Gonzalez, who developed the plug-in. “If desired, WordPress comments can be replaced by Google Friend Connect comments gadgets. In this case, no WordPress account is created, since Google Friend Connect handles both the rendering of the comments as well as comments moderation. Regardless of whether the Google Friend Connect comments gadgets are enabled or not, comment entries display the user profile picture and link to the user’s profile.”

There is a set of social gadgets available that includes the Social Bar, Members, Recommendations, and Global Conversation gadgets. “When recommendations are enabled, a ‘Recommend’ button is displayed below your posts allowing the site members to choose the content they like most,” says Gonzalez. “The most popular posts will surface to the top of the list within the recommendations gadget.”

When a user of the WordPress blog posts content or comments on a post, this information will appear in the Google Friend Connect activity stream. Features of the plug-in like colors, size, labels, etc. can be customized in WordPress like anything else.

The plug-in is available on the Google Code site. Examples are live in demos here and here.

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