Friday, September 20, 2024

Study: More Companies Ditching Old Media Habits for New

A new study from King Fish Media, HubSpot, Junta42, and UpShot found that where traditional advertising was once a “foregone conclusion” and a focal point of all marketing efforts, companies are now “revising old formulas” and creating new ones. They find that companies are abandoning other’s media platforms in favor of creating their own original channels and content.

“Marketers have been aware of the effectiveness of building relationships and trust with content since long before the Internet,” said Gordon Plutsky, Director of Marketing and Research, King Fish. “Technological change has rapidly increased media channel options and the patterns of information consumption among consumers. More and more marketers are abandoning old media — and traditional advertising — to venture out on their own with original content.”

Findings from the study include:

– 86% of respondents’ companies are currently creating or plan to create original content for their customers and prospects in the coming year.

Create or plan to create content?

– 81% believe that brands and companies can create content that is as engaging and informative as content created by media companies.

Create content that is engaging?

– 74% feel that original content and media are most effective for generating marketing ROI.

Generating ROI

– 70% are spending more today to reach customers and prospects directly with branded content than they did three years ago.

Budget shifted?

The entire report is available for free download. It gets into responses about the most effective way to communicate with customers and prospects, marketing budget, in-house/outside resources, measurement, etc.

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