Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Collects Industry Research on New Site

Google recently launched a new Internet statistics site, called simply “Google Internet Stats.” The site provides industry data from third-party sources for use in research.

Categories covered on the site include technology, consumer trends, media consumption, media landscape, and macro economic trends. Each of these has several sub-categories. For technology, you can see data on broadband, devices, mobile, and speed. For consumer trends, you can look at data for community, entertainment, information, and eCommerce. For media consumption, you can look at changes in media usage, demographic usage, media consumption rates, media multi-tasking, personalized media, and experiences. For media landscape you can look at either all media or just online, and for macro economic trends you can look at the UK or the rest of the world.

The site is only available in English, and covers mostly UK statistics at this point. Google says the information will be updated regularly though, and users can submit stats.

Google Internet Stats

The site uses data provided by:, BARB, BusinessWeek, Coke, Commission of the European Communities, Comscore, Core Metrics, Datamonitor, Deloitte, The Economist, eMarketer, Enders Analysis, Eurostat, Film Distributors Association, Financial Times, Forrester, GFK, Google Insights for Search,, Guardian,, Hitwise, IAB, IFPI, IMF, Internet Retailing,, JP Morgan, KMPG, Media & Marketing, Mediascope Europe, Mindshare, Motorola, Net Imperative, New York Magazine, Nielsen, NMA, Ofcom, Ipsos MediaCT, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, QuickPlay Media Inc., Retail Week, Reuters, TGI Net, Times Online, TNS, Verdict Research, Wall Street Journal, WARC, YouTube, ZenithOptimedia, and GM.

“We think the Consumer Trends section will be particularly useful…” says Evelyn O’Keeffe of the Google Analytics Team. “Take a look at what your website visitors and customers are doing online and think about adapting your site design/advertising to suit their behaviours.”

She also throws out a reminder that Google has an Insights for Search tool, which can keep marketers and webmasters up to date on the latest search trends. We’ve talked about this tool in the past here.

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