Friday, September 20, 2024

MTV Launches New Online Video Ad Unit

Target and MTV Networks have partnered to launch a new online video ad unit called “The Scrubber.”

The Scrubber is a custom video player that allows advertisers to insert product icons into the playback timer and highlight various items as the video plays. The unit is designed to be interactive, relevant and non-interruptive to the user.

Jason Witt, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Digital Fusion, MTV Networks
Jason Witt,
Senior VP & GM
of Digital Fusion
MTV Networks

“Whether it’s messaging, design or delivery, Target is tops at innovating in marketing while maintaining a strong focus on the consumer,” said Jason Witt, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Digital Fusion, MTV Networks.

“With Target, we’ve developed an entirely new way to deliver retail messages through short-form online video, and the result is better advertising with greater impact.”

The Scrubber works by scrolling over various product icons as a video plays. Each time the Scrubber scrolls over a product icon, a message overly appears and invites users to get more information or purchase the item. The Target unit was custom-designed to incorporate the retailer’s red and white colors, and the Scrubber ball takes the shape of the Target bullseye logo.

The Scrubber will feature products relevant to MTV Networks’ audience, for example on it will highlight Target’s line of entertainment and fashion products.

The Scrubber is one of a number of campaigns co-authored by MTVN’s Digital Fusion team, an online advertising and marketing unit that across all MTV Networks’ properties.

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