Friday, September 20, 2024

Searches For Health Insurance Information See Gains

The number of visitors to major health insurance provider websites has declined during the past year due to the increase in U.S. unemployment, according to a new report from comScore.

There has been a corresponding increase in the number of searches related to obtaining health coverage during the past year.

“With U.S. unemployment approaching 10 percent according to the most recent Department of Labor data, the millions of Americans without health care coverage or with inadequate coverage are looking online for information and assistance,” said Kevin Levitt, comScore vice president.

“In light of the recent health care debate in Congress, it’s especially important right now to understand which Americans are being affected, how they’re being affected, and where they’re turning for help.”

United Health Group saw visits to its website decline 29 percent during the past year to 3.2 million visitors in June. The number of visitors to Aetna (down 12% to 1.9 million), WellPoint (down 11% to 1.6 million), and Cigna (down 19% to 944,000) also decreased.

Health Insurance Sites

Visitor gains were seen by eHealthInsurance (up 10% to 930,000 visitors) USInsuranceOnline (up 119 % to 844,000 visitors) and AssurantHealth (up 254% to 253,000 visitors), each of which offer information about insurance to those looking for coverage.

The number of people searching for health insurance issues has also been increasing during the past year. In June, more than 67,000 people searched for information related to COBRA coverage, representing a 176 percent again compared to a year ago.

The number of people searching for affordable health insurance (up 41%), applying for Medicaid (up 104%) and health insurance quotes (up 45%) also increases substantially in the past year.

Growth in Selected Health Insurance Search Terms

“Many Americans have an urgent need for health coverage right now, and it’s important for providers to be in front of consumers online where they are seeking out that information,” said Levitt.

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