Friday, September 20, 2024

Google to Handle NewsGator RSS Products

Google Reader is becoming the online companion to and synchronization platform for NewsGator’s RSS readers including FeedDemon and NetNewsWire. Users have until August 31 to migrate to Google Reader, when NewsGator will shut down NewsGator Online.

NewsGator Online

To migrate RSS subscriptions, FeedDemon/NetNewsWire users will need to: 

1. Download the latest version of FeedDemon/NetNewsWire

2. Sign up for a Google Reader account

3. Associate the Google Reader account with the FeedDemon/NetNewsWire product (A step-by-step wizard is provided within the new version of FeedDemon/NetNewsWire

There are different instructions for other NewsGator products here. NewsGator says on the company blog:

Users of FeedDemon, NetNewsWire for Mac, and NetNewsWire for the iPhone will have 30 days to download new versions of these applications that can synchronize with Google Reader. Syncing will give you a consistent reading experience across your PC, Mac, iPhone, and web browser. For example, if you add a new RSS feed, organize your folders, or mark some stories as read on one device, the changes will immediately reflect across the others.  Users of NewsGator Go! can select from the mobile RSS reader options that synchronize with Google Reader.
The bottom line for you: we keep improving our client applications, and now you can sync with and use the web based RSS reader you’ve been asking for.  We’ve been working with the Google team to make these changes as smooth as possible, and they are thrilled to welcome all NewsGator users to the Reader family.

New versions of FeedDemon and NetNewsWire are currently available, and a new version of NetNewsWire for the iPhone will be available soon. Check out the FAQ page for more information about changes to NewsGator’s RSS reader products.

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