Friday, September 20, 2024

What is Responsible Blogging to You?

The Federal Trade Commission has recently taken an interest in regulation of blogs when it comes to bloggers receiving products and writing about them. A lot of discussion has taken place about what it means to blog responsibly.

The Responsibility Project from Liberty Mutual partipated in the recent BlogHer conference, and has put together a nice little gallery of videos in which bloggers talk about the subject. A few samples are below:

Regarding the whole sponsored posts thing, Liberty Mutual cites the following statistics:

– 98 percent of surveyed bloggers believe it is acceptable to receive a free product

– A majority of bloggers mentioned transparency, disclosure and honesty as key caveats to receiving free product and writing sponsored posts
– 84 percent said honesty is a key trait of a responsible blogger, followed by transparency (66 percent) and reliable sources (56 percent)

There are quite a few more videos like the ones above at the Responsibility Project site. It’s nice to see an array of different responses to the subject.

What do you think being a responsible blogger means? Tell us.

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