Saturday, September 21, 2024

Twitter Unveils New Following and Followers Pages

Now when you click the Following and Followers links from your Twitter account you’ll notice some major changes. Twitter has upgraded some of the design of the pages and added multiple new features.

What do you think of the new design and features? Tell us.

New Twitter pull down menu

When you click on Following you’ll notice a new pull-down menu which includes several options which include: @ message, unfollow them or send them a direct message. Below is an example of the new Following page in the new expanded view…

Twitter's new "Follow" design

Sidenote: You may also be interested to know that our own Twellow service offers some great features for following other Twitterers of interest. In fact, there are features that frankly are lacking from the new Twitter interface, like the ability to search through your friends and followers. This can be especially convenient when you want to send a specific friend or follower a direct message or a mention. It comes in handy when you can’t remember somebody’s handle.

In addition those new features, When you click on Followers, Twitter now shows you a check mark beside the people who you are reciprocally following.  Like with the page I mentioned above you can @ message, direct message, follow (if your not doing so already) and the option to block. Below is an example of the new Followers page with the list view…

Twitter's new "Followers" page

It should be noted that these features aren’t just available on your profile, but on any profile you visit.

Don’t worry, if your not a fan of the new expanded view (based on the comments below, most of you don’t like it) you can always choose the list view which is very similar to the former layout.

Below is a snippet from the official Twitter blog about the upgrade…

“Instead of a basic list, there are now actions you can perform that provide a better overall experience. For example, you can turn on SMS, unfollow, mention, block, direct message, and more.”

With these new changes and updates was there any real value added to the pages? I’ve talked to a few people and most feel the changes don’t really bring anything better to the table. Some have even said they’ll start using 3rd party apps to manage follows/unfollows.

What are your thoughts on the new changes? Tell us.

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