Thursday, September 19, 2024

Survey: 62% Prefer iPods to the Environment

The Shelton Group has released some interesting survey results showing that the majority of Americans would like to “go green,” but not at the expense of their own convenience. It’s not that the results are particularly surprising, but they are interesting in that they are broken down into what percentage of participants would be willing to give up what devices if they could help the environment.

“Consumers don’t want to give up the modern conveniences of life,” said Suzanne Shelton, whose firm conducted the survey. “We’re all basically saying, ‘I’ll be green as long it doesn’t make me uncomfortable or inconvenienced.'”

iPod Touch

Here’s how many would be willing to give up each of the following conveniences:

– iPod – 38%
– Dishwasher – 35%
– Microwave – 25%
– Cellular phone – 21%
– Air conditioning – 14%
– TV – 13%
– Computer – 7%
– Car – 6%
– None of the above – 21%
– All of the above – 6%

I find it interesting that more people are willing to give up their microwaves than their cell phones. I know these new smartphones are cool, but can they cook a meal in three and a half minutes?

Suzanne Shelton“For most Americans, what once were considered conveniences have become necessities,” Shelton said. “That means the green movement has its work cut out for it: Convenience and comfort are big barriers for consumers going green.”

“It means a lot of people simply won’t take on green projects, or buy a green product if they have to go to a different store to find it or if it somehow takes away from their personal comfort,” Shelton added.

The survey polled 1,006 consumers from across the United States. 60% of them are looking for greener products, but when asked to choose between comfort, convenience, and the environment, they chose 36%, 38%, and 26% respectively.

Would you give up any of the aforementioned items if you knew it would help the environment? What is more important to you, convenience, comfort, or the environment? Discuss in the comments.

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