Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Goes Into Garage Sale Mode

Sometimes you just want to get rid of stuff, and Yahoo seems to be in that mindset right now.  Yesterday, the Sunnyvale-based company arranged to exchange one domain for a little bit of money and also decided to simply shut down another project.

Yahoo Gallery is the still-in-beta service that will cease to exist in the near future; a message posted on the homepage gives it until July 14th.  Yahoo isn’t directly promoting any other site as a replacement (Yahoo Gallery was designed to showcase applications with ties to Yahoo products, by the way), but users have at least been provided with a way of saving their work.

Yahoo Gallery Shutting Down Text
Click Image To Enlarge

The closure, as you can see from the above screenshot, will come as a result of “reprioritizing.”

As for the property that got sold, was the domain name and $380,000 was its price.  Both Larry Fischer and MG Siegler noted that this sum seems rather low for such a premium-sounding site.  Fischer even added, “My question for Yahoo is WHAT WERE YOU THINKING SELLING THIS NAME?”

Taken together, these developments are somewhat reminiscent of the GeoCities situation.

Yahoo’s at least making a quick job of cleaning out the corporate closet, though.

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