Saturday, September 21, 2024

Amazon Kindle DX to Ship Soon

Update 2: The Kindle DX will ship on June 10th, a spokesperson for Amazon tells Murdok. “The Kindle DX is currently available for pre-order and all orders are prioritized on a first come, first served
basis,” they said.

 The Kindle DX is now available for pre-order at Amazon for $489.

Kindle DX

Original Article: It doesn’t seem like that long ago that the Kindle 2 was shipped out for wide availability. That’s probably because it wasn’t that long ago, but it looks like Amazon is already moving right along with the next model.

That would be a larger version aimed at catering to the newspaper industry. A piece from the New York Times says:

But it is Amazon, maker of the Kindle, that appears to be first in line to try throwing an electronic life preserver to old-media companies. As early as this week, according to people briefed on the online retailer’s plans, Amazon will introduce a larger version of its Kindle wireless device tailored for displaying newspapers, magazines and perhaps textbooks.

An Amazon spokesman would not comment, but some news organizations, including The New York Times, are expected to be involved in the introduction of the device, according to people briefed on the plans. A spokeswoman for The Times, Catherine J. Mathis, said she could not comment on the company’s relationship with Amazon.

Amazon does have a press conference confirmed via email invite to a number of publications. And it sounds like this Kindle will be the main topic of discussion.


Kindle 2
Amazon Kindle 2

This larger version, which has been anticipated for quite some time, is expected not only to cater to the online news industry, but the text book industry as well, potentially providing students with a means of carrying around all of their text books within one lightweight electronic device.

Other companies are making similar devices, but Amazon has already developed a reputation for this kind of thing, kind of like Apple with its iPod and the digital music device. The real question is whether or not this will catch on as a newspaper-reading device and “save” the industry. I think its greatest competitor will be the free web.

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