Thursday, September 19, 2024

Frequent Flyers Want Wi-Fi

Frequent flyers say staying connected via Wi-Fi is their top priority when traveling, according to a new survey by American Airlines and HP.

Nearly half (47%) of business travelers said Wi-Fi was the most important airport amenity, outscoring basic travel needs such as food by nearly 30 percent.

“We know that our business customers rely on technology to be as productive as possible while on the road,” said Manuel de Oyarzabal, Director – Customer Research at American Airlines.

“As part of understanding our best customers, the insight from this survey will help us develop and market additional products that our customers value.”

The top complaint among frequent business travlers is dead PC batteries (67%) followed by no place to plug in (26%). Power outlets also are in high demand at the gate and on board the flight. Twenty-four percent said access to electrical power is the most important technology amenity aboard a plane.

Carol Hess-Nickels
Carol Hess-Nickels

The majority (90%) of frequent fliers travel with a notebook and a mobile phone. If Wi-Fi is available on board, 70 percent would choose their notebook as their main device for doing work.

Business travelers say they can work efficiently at the airport and their hotels, but efficiency drops significantly onboard a plane. Eighty-five percent performed work related activities at the airport, but the number drops to 52 percent onboard a flight.

“Business travelers expect connectivity and see it as a necessity, not a luxury,” said Carol Hess-Nickels, Director of Marketing in the Notebook Global Business Unit at HP. “HP understands these demands and has put forward a broad range of mobile products for on-the-go professionals.”


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