Friday, September 20, 2024

No Rest For The Twitterati

Somebody you follow on Twitter incessantly telling you how great they are? Somebody else you want to prove tweeted something but the offending tweet has been deleted? If you’re the vindictive type, we’ve got two Twitter-based sites for you.

Tweeting Too Hard

Before we get started I want to say in 140 characters or less:

Disease? Poverty? Crime? War? Try being a genius. Now that’s a burden.

TweetingTooHard Logo If I’d have tweeted that, I’d have made the top 10 at TweetingTooHard for sure. Not that it’s an honor to make the site. It is, after all, designed to ridicule the self-important.

The creators of the site present their mantra as such:

We acknowledge the twivial nature of ourselves and of the Twitterverse. We pay our dues to the twansience of our thoughts and our existence. And we do not twolerate egotism or pretense. Think before you tweet.

Here are some of my favorites, since mine is the only opinion that matters:

Well, if anybody but John Mayer (or Justin Timberlake) had said that…


Tweeleted LogoSo, you’re embarrassed about a really conceited tweet (see above) even though your friend told you not drunk-tweet last night? Well, you can always delete it so potential employers don’t find it. And you better hope they don’t know about Tweeleted.

Tweeleted is a roughly coded site allowing people to find deleted tweets. You can change the background from “good” mode to “evil,” depending on whether you want to find lost tweets accidentally deleted or find embarrassing ones a person wished were gone for good (but it’s still the same function).

How does that work? Tom Scott, the creator of the site, says it works by comparing results from the main Twitter API with Twitter search results. See, Twitter search keeps it forever. If a tweet comes back in Twitter search that is missing from the Twitter API, boom, that’s a deleted tweet.

All’s not totally lost, in either sense of the phrase in this case. Tweeleted can only go back 1000 tweets. So it will just take a novella of tweets to push how much prettier you think you are than Padma Lakshmi.

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