Friday, September 20, 2024

Advertising And Social Media

In the keynote presentation “The State of the Industry (Presented by the IAB)” the panel discussed a variety of topics.

Coverage of the ad:tech San Francisco conference continues at murdok Videos. Stay with murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week. 

Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO, IAB

Neil Ashe, President, CBS Interactive

Jeff Berman
Jeff Berman

Jeff Berman, President of Sales and Marketing, MySpace

Rishad Tobaccowala, CEO, Denuo

Carol Kruse, VP, Global Interactive Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company

Q: What are your companies investing in with advertising and when do you expect to get a return?

Rishad: Asia and digital.

Carol Kruse
Carol Kruse

Carol: Coke supports all forms of media and is trying to learn areas of mobile and social.

Neil: trying various techniques to build their brand; ex. March Madness — broadcast medium.

Jeff: focusing on digital properties… consumer insights and mobile.

Q for Carol: How many publishers bring you actionable consumer insights?

Carol: yes, but they also gain consumer insights from other areas as well.

Neil: “insight is predictive” they look at consumer behavior on their properties to gain insights.

Rishad: difference between insights and research; insight — the most heavy users of social media is not the ones that have the most leverage, sometimes the opposing voice is the voice that’s heard (detractors).

Carol: believes you have to look at brand before you look too deep into weighing a business decision on insights.

Q: Is social media going to end up at PR or what?

Jeff: it has to be integrated, but don’t think about campaigns anymore. It can’t have a time-frame. It’s ongoing.

Neil: In many cases, it’s neither social or media. It’s about the permanent conversation.

Rishad: Need to view it all as marketing and not advertising or social media.

Carol: Suggests ad agencies not create a storyboard for a message because that automatically pushes broadcast medium. Coke is asking that they just bring an idea and they will determine the channel and hopefully use it across the board.

Neil: “Expectations of consumer is changing more rapidly than anything else.”

Q: In search-based world, is creativity still part of marketing plan?

Carol: It goes back to content. “It doesn’t matter if an ad is very targeted, the ad has to be compelling.”

Q: Demand for metrics?

Jeff: It will all come together. Too much focus on metrics in beginning and not enough on actual advertising and marketing.

Carol: End user is what really matters and that’s where creativity comes into play which really goes back to basic marketing.

Q: Demand for metrics?

Jeff: It will all come together. Too much focus on metrics in beginning and not enough on actual advertising and marketing.

Carol: End user is what really matters and that’s where creativity comes into play which really goes back to basic marketing.

murdok Reporter/Anchor Abby Johnson contributed to this report.

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