Friday, September 20, 2024

Red Cross Launches Social Network

The international Red Cross has launched a social network to raise awareness about humanitarian issues and to share what people are doing to make a difference.

The new Web portal, “Our world. Your move.” Focuses on the human costs of war, climate change, displacement, disease and hunger. The new site allows users to share their experiences via videos, photos and blog posts.

The site’s launch coincides with the 150th anniversary of the battle of Solferino, which led to the creation of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Yves Daccord
Yves Daccord

“The idea of the Red Cross was born 150 years ago when one individual, Henry Dunant, decided to take action to help thousands of soldiers, who were wounded near Solferino in northern Italy. His legacy lives on today in the selfless acts of all those around the world who offer hope in a moment of need or despair,” said Yves Daccord, the ICRC’s director of communications.

“Each day, there are countless stories of unsung courage and achievement just waiting to be told. We want the web portal to be a place where someone who is making a difference in one corner of the world can inspire someone on the opposite side of the globe.”

The site is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. It is the first time the Red Cross has used social media in an effort to connect with a broader global audience.

The Red Cross has also set up a presence on Facebook and MySpace, as well as creating a channel on YouTube for video contributions.

“We’ve made a real effort to capitalize on the tremendous scope of social networking and new media sites in order to reach beyond our typical support base and build a partnership with the public,” said Pierre Kremer, the head of communications for the IFRC.


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