Friday, September 20, 2024

Rumor: Plethora Of Android Phones On The Way From Orange

Fair warning: a new tale concerning Google’s Android operating system actually started in another language and remains unconfirmed.  That said, it looks like the software may be ready to really take off, as telecommunications giant Orange is supposed to launch around half a dozen more Android phones in the next nine months. 

Google Android

Here‘s the original source for anyone who happens to speak French.  Unwired View‘s Staska interpreted, “Mobinaute had someone from Orange France spill the beans about their Android plans for this year.  And they look mighty impressive – at least six more Android phones will be launched by Orange in 2009, from 5 different brands.  Including Android phones from Sony Ericsson, Motorola, LG, Samsung and HTC.”

The market should be, if not flooded, at least well-sprinkled with options, then.  User adoption of Android is almost bound to pick up, and if all goes well, there’s liable to be a snowball effect as more mobile companies become part of the trend.  Staska noted, “Orange . . . indicated that it is pretty happy with the revenue sharing model of Android Marketplace and will heavily promote it.”

So this could be the year that Android becomes a serious force in the mobile market.  Or, if the big push somehow fails, the year it’s consigned to forever stay off lists naming the market leaders.

First things first, though – keep your eyes and ears peeled for proof of those six (or more) new cell phones.

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