Friday, September 20, 2024

Measuring Search And Offline Marketing Success

The session “Measuring Search & Offline Marketing Success” touched on the importance of tracking offline conversions that start through search.

(Coverage of SMX West continues at Murdok Videos.  Keep an eye on Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.)

Ryan Gibson, Director of Marketing, The Rimm-Kaufman Group
Ryan Gibson

Ryan Gibson, Director of Marketing, The Rimm Kaufman Group, said to “Look at all the data to understand how your customers are finding you.”

Offline look at TV, radio, print and other media. Online look at social media, content, search and email.

It’s important to understand that it’s a step-by-step process learning how customers come to you.

Different marketing channels will initiate customer interactions. Capturing offline conversion is key. Work to understand where the value lies for you.

Chris Knoch, Principal Consultant for the Omniture Best Practices Group, said impressions leads to clicks, which leads to conversions.

Know your site’s micro conversions, including product views, cart adds, cart removals, checkouts, cost per step metrics and step-to-step conversion rates.

If you tie offline and online, you will generate more leads.

Dustin Engel, Vice President, Strategy & Media, Range Online Media
Dustin Engel

Dustin Engel, Vice President, Strategy & Media, Range Online Media, said, “Search has actually become part of consumer behavior and conversion path.”

Search has a symbiotic relationship with all other marketing activities. Attribution adoption among brands creates more flexibility and diversification.

Quick tips:
Know what starts the conversation and what closes sale — first and last touch
Weigh less value equally across all paid touchpoints
Pass branded term value upstream
Move towards complete online ecosystem insight
Create your own secret sauce
Incorporate offline spend and footprint data

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