Friday, September 20, 2024

Former eBay CEO Wants to Be Next California Governor

Everybody knew it was coming, but today, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman announced her announced she has formed an exploratory committee that will see her running for Governor of California in 2010. Whitman is a fifty-two year old Republican, and aims to replace John Matrix himself – Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Meg Whitman's Website

“California faces challenges unlike any other time in its history — a weak and faltering economy, massive job losses, and an exploding state budget deficit,” Ms. Whitman said in a statement. “California is better than this, and I refuse to stand by and watch it.”

Whitman uses a YouTube video to get her message out and tells Californians that she wants to “hear from you.” These are certainly familiar tactics for political campaigning.

Whitman served as President and CEO of eBay from March 1998 until March 2008 when the reigns were handed over to John Donahoe. Since then, eBayers have had, we’ll say mixed emotions about the company.

Whitman named Pete Wilson as campaign chairman with co-chairs Kevin McCarthy and Mary Bono Mack. According to the New York Times, the most likely competitors Whitman will face for the Republican nomination include Steve Poizner and Tom Campbell. Arnold will not be up for re-election.

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