Friday, September 20, 2024


Say what you want about PETA’s vego-fascist ways and loony breast milk Ben & Jerry’s proposals, whoever does their marketing had a stroke of genius by getting an ad banned by the network broadcasting the Super Bowl—a method we shall forthwith describe as “The GoDaddy Method” of viral marketing.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ “Veggie Love” commercial was deemed too hot for NBC (except on the Today show I noticed) and was not accepted for airing during the annual Super Bowl advertising bonanza.

The commercial featured lingerie-clad models really, really enjoying their vegetables and came with the tagline “Studies Show Vegetarians Have Better Sex.” The study to which they refer involves men over 40, just sayin’.

You can now see that commercial, extended scenes, and other banned commercials at a special website with embeddable videos. (Word to the wise, don’t click on the “Milk Gone Wild” video.)

‘Veggie Love’: PETA’s Banned Super Bowl Ad

On PETA’s blog, the organization reveals NBC sent them a list of shots to cut from the commercial before they’d accept it, which include:

·  licking pumpkin
·  touching her breast with her hand while eating broccoli
·  pumpkin from behind between legs
·  rubbing pelvic region with pumpkin
·  screwing herself with broccoli (fuzzy)
·  asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina
·  licking eggplant
·  rubbing asparagus on breast

Ahem. They offer a full transcript of the letter at the blog, too.

Having a Super Bowl ad rejected might sound like bad news, but when there’s an Internet, it’s golden. PETA saves 3 million bucks and gets lots of attention anyway due to the “controversy.” Nice move, PETA advertising guys–on the viral marketing schematic front, not the sexy ad part–using scantily clad women to get attention isn’t exactly avant garde now is it?

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