Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mark Cuban To Yahoo: Acquire Everything

The holidays are, to be honest, a bad time for tech news.  With many of their employees either taking time off or shopping from their desks, companies don’t do a lot that needs to be covered.  But if Mark Cuban has his way, Yahoo will provide plenty of material by going on an acquisition spree.

In a blog post simply titled “What Yahoo Should Do,” Cuban states that the chance of Microsoft acquiring either part or all of Yahoo is approximately zero.  Given the long list of other things that Microsoft could use its money for, the cost would be way too high.

Mark Cuban

So Cuban believes that Yahoo’s leaders shouldn’t worry about making nice and looking attractive.  Rather, “Their strategy should be to acquire every and any company that makes their traffic, services, content or monetization stronger. . . .  Yahoo should be the most aggressive acquirer on the planet right now.  In case you haven’t noticed, everything and anything owned by private equity firms in the media and technology spaces are on sale at a huge discount.”

Cuban’s billions lend all the advice he gives a bit of credibility.  Since Cuban was on the list of men Carl Icahn once wanted to add to Yahoo’s board, he’s especially likely to be paid some attention in this case. 

Whether Yahoo can come up with enough money to make many important acquisitions – or whether other companies would even agree to be acquired by the struggling corporation – is a key question, of course.

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