Saturday, October 5, 2024

Google Gives Details On Ads Quality Updates

Ads Quality concerns any and every marketer who’s the least bit interested in his ads’ positions and prices, and Google recently complicated things by making a few changes.  Luckily, Google also documented the updates’ specifics, and advertisers should find two new videos on Ads Quality very useful.

The first clip doesn’t so much cover the updates as provide a general overview of Ads Quality and Quality Score.  It’s ten minutes long, making it a fairly efficient way of either reexamining the basics or catching up in the first place.

The second video is shorter, clocking in at less than seven minutes, and it hits the fresh alterations along with how they’ll affect the average advertiser.  A voiceover explains, “We will now evaluate quality score each time a user performs a search,” which should lead to more “accurate, specific, and up-to-date performance information.”

Also, “We will no longer show minimum bids in your account” (“first page bids” are being favored instead), and the “inactive for search” status has been removed, because “keywords can be evaluated for any query for which they are relevant.”  The three different statuses are now “active,” “ads show rarely due to low quality scores,” and “bid is below first page estimate.”

All of this should put advertisers in a better position.  More improvements are on the way, as well, so keep an eye out for additional clips in the future.

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