Saturday, December 14, 2024

Google Reveals Fastest Growing Search Terms


Yesterday, we looked at the top question searches on Ask for 2008,’s Top Gainers of 2008, Ask’s Top Celebrity Baby Mamas of 2008, and Ask’s Top Deals & Steals Searches. We looked at the top mobile searches and the top viral videos. The new Google Holiday site looked at some popular searches on Google Product Search.

Perhaps you are asking, “But what about the fastest-rising search terms for 2008?” Well, Google has gone ahead and provided that info (for the U.S.). “We wanted to whet your appetite for our year-end Zeitgeist with this sneak peek of the fastest-rising search terms in the U.S. for 2008,” says Google. “We combed through billions of anonymous, aggregated search queries to bring you this snapshot of what’s been top-of-mind for Americans in the past 11 months.”

Compared to the previous year, the following ten search terms have seen the most growth according to the search giant:

1.    obama
2.    facebook
3.    att
4.    iphone
5.    youtube
6.    fox news
7.    palin
8.    beijing 2008
9.    david cook
10.  surf the channel

That’s an interesting list. I don’t think number one is very surprising. Number five and ten compliment the growing trend in online video that I painstakingly documented here.

Google promises more top search lists when they release their 2008 Zeitgeist next week. I know that’s what you’re really waiting for. In the meantime, feel free to look at last year’s.

Zeitgeist 2007

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